5 things
you can do now
gain more followers

Find your followers with content that clicks

Growing your follower base is the single most important thing you can do on your road to becoming a monetizable VOOM creator. Here are five things to look out for when creating your content.

Tip 1Post videos with purpose

Set a clear vision for your account and choose the genre that works best for your videos. Structuring your videos can lead to more followers.

Tip 2The first 3–5 seconds are everything

The first few seconds of your video are critical to getting viewers to watch to the end. Lead with your strongest, most eye-catching content to get them hooked.

Tip 3Regularly post content in popular categories

A surefire way to get attention is to regularly post content related to pets, DIY, cooking, illustration, life hacks, or similar topics. Viewers on LINE VOOM naturally gravitate to these topics, and will keep coming back for the next update.

Tip 4Use the Boost feature to get noticed

Once you've followed steps 1 through 3 and have some killer content, you can use the Boost feature to really put your account in the limelight. The more people see your content in their feeds, the higher your follower count will rise.

Learn more about boosting
Tip 5Follow the Terms and Conditions

It goes without saying, but content that violates the LINE Terms and Conditions of Use won't be allowed on LINE VOOM. Your content can't violate any LINE rules or third-party copyrights. Read the Terms and Conditions closely to stay on the safe side.

Read the Terms and Conditions
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